Black Sea Region 

Black Sea Cooperation Policy Forum (February 2011 - January 2012)


LogoThe overall goal of the project is to enhance and institutionalise interaction among the most influential think tanks in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine in order to arrive at common positions and launch common initiatives on improving international security and cooperation in the region as well as to support all major efforts by national governments and international organisations to this end. In times when security and cooperation in the Black Sea area are on the decline due to the declining U.S. commitment, incoherent European Union policies and the rise of assertive regional powers with their own agendas such as Russia and Turkey; the lasting ‘frozen’ conflicts and the increased rates of armament of the South Caucasus countries;  and the intensifying soft threats in the energy and environment spheres – a coordinated and continuous effort by the expert community of the Black Sea will offer solutions to the most pressing security dilemmas and regional cooperation issues which will feed into the joint endeavours of government players in this direction.


The project is supported by Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation of the German Marshall Fund of the US.

The Belene Nuclear Power Plant Project: Economic Consequences and Political Effects on Bulgaria’s National Interest (August 2011 - February 2013)

The main goal of IRIS in assessing the NPP Belene project is aimed at developing a comprehensive picture of the liabilities and the effects which the construction of this facility will have on Bulgaria’ energy market, on the sustainability of the energy system and the energy consumption in the country for the next 3-5 decades and on the functioning of the Bulgarian political and public administration system in mid-term perspective. The IRIS analyses will also particularly focus on the larger strategic and security context that NPP Belene will create in completing the monopolization of the Bulgarian energy system by Russia – bringing it under total Russian control.

Read more... 01-08-2011
Establishing Alumni Association of the Black Sea Young Reformers Fellowship (June 2011 - May 2012)

The overall goal of the proposed project was to assure the continuity and sustainability of the larger BSYRF effort by establishing an Alumni Association of the programme’s graduates, allowing them to meet on a regular basis, discuss current issues and take common action to solve those issues by means of joint advocacy efforts and project development.

Read more... 01-06-2011
Black Sea Young Reformers Fellowship II (January 2011 - January 2012)

The overall goal of the project was to extend and empower the network of young reformers of the Black Sea countries, launched by the pilot BSYRF project in 2010, as an instrument to serve a double-edged purpose: first, to provide a platform for the young reformers to communicate and advocate to the institutions of the EU the interests of their countries for closer cooperation with Europe; second, to open new channels of influence for the European policy makers to develop and implement an overall strategy for multilateral cooperation between the EU institutions and the policy communities of the Black Sea countries.

Read more... 31-01-2011
Black Sea Young Reformers Fellowship I (December 2009 - December 2010)

The project is an effort at supporting reformist thinking and reformist activities across the region of the Black Sea through identifying and encouraging reform-oriented, influential young policy-makers, civil servants and civil society activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine into an effective and viable network.

Read more... 01-12-2009
Bulgaria in the Euro-Atlantic Security System (October 2006 - February 2007)

In October 2006 IRIS initiated the project Bulgaria in the Euro-Atlantic Security System with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Read more... 01-10-2006
Conducting a Democracy Audit in Bulgaria, Moldova and Georgia (June 2004 - June 2005)

The project was aimed at advancing recommendations for improving institutional performance in Bulgaria, Georgia and Moldova, based on comparative analysis of a selected cluster of institutions mirroring the state of the society and governance by employing the ‘democratic auditing’ methodological approach. Institutional analysis, public opinion surveys and case studies of best practices were employed to elicit alternative policy solutions.

Read more... 01-06-2004
Networking for the Black Sea Region Stabilization and Integration (May 2004 - May 2005)

  Between May 2004 and May 1 2005 IRIS International Security and Democratization Program implemented the “Networking for the Black Sea Region Stabilization and Integration” program. The proposed program built on the achievements of GMFUS and IRIS’ own efforts in the Black Sea region. The program was aimed at assisting with developing and launching an overall policy strategy for integrating the Black Sea countries into the Euro-Atlantic mainstream.

Read more... 01-05-2004
Assessment of Civic Participation in Decision-Making in Moldova and Ukraine (May 2003 - May 2004)

The project aimed at evaluating the civic organizations′ attitudes, needs and capacity with respect to civic participation in the decision making in Ukraine and Moldova and also at identifying specific competencies needed for successful civic mobilization and participation in the decision making.

Read more... 27-06-2003
Anchoring the Black Sea Countries to the Euro-Atlantic Mainstream (May 2003 - May 2004)

Between May 1, 2003 and May 1, 2004 IRIS International Security and Democratization Program implemented the program entitled Anchoring the Black Sea Countries to the Euro-Atlantic Mainstream: Policies, Mechanisms and Multilateral Networks. The Program was aimed at promoting strategies, policies and actions that would ultimately anchor the countries of the Black Sea region firmly to the Euro-Atlantic mainstream.

Read more... 01-05-2003
Benefiting from Enlarging NATO to Southeast Europe: Promoting the New NATO Agenda (May 2003 - May 2004)

On May 1, 2003 IRIS International Security and Democratization Program started the implementation of the project entitled Benefiting from Enlarging NATO to Southeast Europe: Promoting the New NATO Agenda. The Program was aimed at providing assessment and policy alternatives of how Bulgaria and Romania, in their new function as NATO members, would translate the new mission of the Alliance into regional policy action. The program offered recommendations that capitalized on the experience of the two countries in conducting reforms in order to maximize the effectiveness of stability and security building in the region. The program aimed at contributing to increased understanding of how enlarged and transformed NATO would respond to the 21st century security challenges to provide a security arc for its members.

Read more... 01-05-2003
Promoting Security and Regional Cooperation: The Perspectives of NATO Enlargement and EU Association of Southeastern Europe (May 2001 - April 2002)

IRIS International Security and Democratization Program implemented the project entitled “Promoting Security and Regional Cooperation: The Perspectives of NATO Enlargement and EU Association of Southeastern Europe Towards the Year 2002” started on May 1, 2001. Project aimed primarily at providing IRIS with the necessary resources and strengthening of its capacity to actively contribute to the process of policy formulation and implementation concerning Southeastern Europe.

Read more... 01-05-2001
Policy Analyses and Transatlantic Networking for SEE Reconstruction and Development (September 1999 - September 2000)

The project aimed to set priorities and clearly define the goals of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe. It provided analytical assistance and policy growth/development in the fields of regional security systems institutional development and infrastructure economic development.

Read more... 01-09-1999