
Youth Tourist Exchange. Business Initiatives for Community Development in South Eeastern Bulgaria (December 2004 - August 2005)


In December 2004 IRIS Civil Society Development: Research and Training Program started the implementation of the nine-month project entitled Youth Tourist Exchange. Business Initiatives for Community Development in South Eastern Bulgaria (towns Loznitza, Zavet and Isperih). The project included a number of activities: regular internet communication, working meetings, consultations. This set of activities was aimed at facilitating the process of developing a model of working tourist exchange in the region of Ludogorie.


Three training modules and one seminar were conducted in Razgrad with the major focus on 1) Basic advocacy tools for local community mobilisation (stakeholder analyses, power mapping, strategy planning, media campaign, coalition building, negotiation and persuasion; monitoring, evaluation and continuation of advocacy process); 2) E-business procedures, regulations, practices and trends; 3) Cultural tourism, fund-raising mechanisms and PR strategies; 4) Networking and coalition building


The project was implemented in closed cooperation with representatives of the Center for Ethno-Cultural Studies, Razgrad, Municipality of Razgrad, journalists from the local media and National Park “Sborianovo”.

Empowering Local Business Communities for Human Potential Mobilization



As of November 2018, the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) starts a new 34-month project that aims at mobilizing and advocating for local business communities to utilize the available human potential of retired people and to look for new models of labor mobility.

Read more... 03-12-2018
Овластяване на местните бизнес общности за мобилизиране на човешки потенциал


От ноември 2018 г. Институтът за регионални и международни изследвания (ИРМИ) стартира нов 34-месечен проект, насочен към мобилизиране и подкрепа на местните бизнес общности да използват наличния човешки потенциал на пенсионерите и да търсят нови модели за трудова мобилност.


Основната цел на проекта на ИРМИ е да овласти бизнес общностите с умения по застъпничество, работа в мрежи и стратегическо планиране, за да се справят с предизвикателството на намаляващия потенциал на човешки ресурси чрез изработване на жизнеспособни алтернативи за наемане на работа. 

Read more... 03-12-2018
Leaders’ Platforms for Regional Development (January 2015 - December 2017)


The project initiative aims to develop and put in practice a “bottom-up” approach to regional development by identifying and engaging the natural leadership potential  of Bulgarian regions within a coherent framework of debate and collective action.

Read more... 07-01-2015
Comparative Minority Study in Bulgaria (November 2006 - June 2007)

In November 2006 IRIS initiated a 9-month project for comparative study of the Turkish and Roma minorities in Bulgaria in the years of democratic transition (1989 – 2006).

Read more... 01-11-2006
Developing a Regulation Treating the Management, Control and Informational Provision of the National Operative Program for Regional Development (November 2003 - December 2004)

The project aim was to develop a Regulation Treating the Management, Control and Informational Provision of the National Operative Program for Regional Development as an instrument for the Bulgarian regional policy implementation.

Read more... 01-11-2003
Bulgaria on the Threshold of the European Union: Trilateral Co-operation and Development of Industrial Relations (September 2003 - October 2004)

The project was aimed at establishing an effective system for trilateral co-operation and dialogue between social partners in the field of industrial relations in Bulgaria on the basis of European historical experience and the principles laid down in the European Social Charter ratified in 2000.

Read more... 01-09-2003
Youth Community Council - Mission Possible: Civil Capacity Building in Local Policy-Making in Zavet (September 2003 - October 2004)

The project aim was to establish Youth Community Council in the Municipality of Zavet as a consultative body to the local authorities.

Read more... 01-09-2003
Building a Pluralist Lobbying System in Bulgaria (January - December 1999)

The project aimed at developing and implementing working models of lobbying which represent organized local/municipal, civic and entrepreneurial interests.

Read more... 01-01-1999